Success? Recognition? Credibility? Just Keep Working…. 

Success? Recognition? Credibility? Just Keep Working…. 

Those considerations are different for each artist. For some, it may mean that their work actually equates to an income that is a living wage. For others, it may simply mean that their work brings them a degree of notoriety, often short-lived, but something to give them a professional boost. But for most, I don’t think it is even a part of the artist’s early vocabulary and thinking…just having the opportunity to work is accomplishment enough. 

Having my work recognized and commissioned by clients to be installed in homes or businesses has certainly been overwhelming…that individuals and families want to live with my work everyday in their most private of spaces. That is powerful. And, at its core what that has done has given me the ability to continue to create, because for me, that is what I understand the work of the artist to be about. 

For most of my forty years in clay, I have felt driven to not only be a maker but to share the experience of engaging with this most captivating medium, to help others come to know the healing and delight of the responsiveness of clay. And I have shared with children and adults how creating with clay is a collaborative experience where you and sister earth create together. In these past few years, however, I have come to recognize that my relationship with the medium needed to deepen and, as with any relationship, more alone time together was needed. And with that realization, I ended nearly a half century of leading others in the way of making with clay to focus on creating my own work…creating what sister earth and I need to say together, beyond what I was specifically invited to create for others. 

In doing that, in taking that step, I have found continuing acknowledgement of the quality of my work not only by clients, new and ongoing, but also now by my peers, those sister and brother artists who are responsible for recognizing excellence in the arts and calling it out. The invitation to mount a solo exhibit, a retrospective of my work, has created such a moment for me, in essence saying, “Don’t create anything new…just stop for a bit and look back…show us some of what you’ve been about for these past forty years.” It is a profound moment for an artist to be invited to do that. And after that pause, to recognize with tremendous gratitude that the real accomplishment is to just be able to continue working. 

Time to celebrate…

Time to celebrate…

Earthsongs Ceramic Studio is celebrating its Thirtieth Anniversary with a full year of celebration…EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

Earthsongs is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary, with a full year of celebration, beginning June 24, 2023 through June, 2024. It is a wonderful thing to have been able to remain here creating art and adding to the life of the Borough for these years. I am so grateful to all those who have been part of the Studio and made it possible for me to create in clay:

  • To clients who commissioned work for installation as well as those who purchased moveable work for their home and as gifts
  • To those who attended the myriad workshops and classes I offered
  • To those who participated in the public art projects I led
  • To the other Metuchen businesses who carry and carried my work: Marafiki, Gardenia, and especially Papillon.
  • To the Metuchen Inn who continues to showcase my work and donate food for Gallery Openings and other special events 
  •  I am most grateful for your continuing support of the studio. 

Because of what I have always seen as the mission and role of the studio:

Yes, creating art from clay, but about making an impact on the community and bringing people together through the arts, 

it seems most appropriate that the thirty-year anniversary celebration, June 24, reflect that mission. As I envision the Anniversary Celebration, we will recognize the day by installing the Community Peace Mural (created August, 2022, by nearly 50 people during CLAY DAYS in METUCHEN) which speaks to peace around the world, but with a special eye to Ukraine. Hence, my hope is to create a celebratory event through this Anniversary that will not only be festive for all those who can be at Earthsongs that day, but raise funds specifically for the people of Ukraine.

SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2023, 1-4pm

  1. 1pm | All are welcome to Earthsongs, visit the gardens and pond, enjoy some      appetizer munchies. (The mural will be covered.) 
  2. 1:30pm | The first 50 who donated $100 to Ukraine, will then be invited to a meal, completely donated by Hailey’s Harp and Pub, at tables on the closed street of Bissette Place to enjoy with friends and neighbors.
  3. 2:30-3:00pm | Diners will be encouraged to return to Earthsongs
  4. 3:00pm | Unveiling of the Community Peace Mural, entertainment, desserts prepared by local residents from Ukraine. 

How can you participate?

First, everyone is welcome! Feel free to bring friends!

The meal will be limited to the first 50 people who choose to donate $100 to the people of Ukraine.

All others are welcome to spend time in the gardens at Earthsongs, enjoy the snacks there, and, if you choose, offer whatever donation you wish to this cause.

Essentially meal choices will include: Hailey’s special beef dish (Shepherds Pie), Hailey’s famous chicken dish (Chicken Francese), and the Pub’s so appreciated vegan dish (a Healthy Stew). 

Donations can be made by check sent directly to Earthsongs, or via a Venmo. 

Final date to reserve a space at the meal will be June 4.

We hope you will plan to join us for whatever parts of the celebration fit your interest and schedule.